09 May 2010

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day!  It's been a great day here in the Seguritan home!  Here's the story :)  Paul was supposed to make me breakfast this morning, steak and eggs.  But last night I had this dream - it was a dream about a hash brown omelet, lol! So we decided to split the jobs.

*Side note - a while back Paul said something to me that has stuck with me forever (at least 2 months - and that feels like forever :)).  He said, "Caroline" it's rare that he actually says my name it's how I know he's serious, anyways, "Caroline, you need to stop living in theory and start living in reality."  So, since I dreamed this "recipe" I had to put it into reality. Although, this is not what he was talking about.

So, the first mistake I made led to a frittata. LOL!  Next time I try this out (next Saturday) I will cook the eggs separately.

I had to flip this behemoth, luckily I'm relatively good at this.  Then I added the cheese, sauteed mushrooms and onions and bell peppers.  I didn't have any tomatoes - which by the way, if anyone is growing any and needs to rid of them - please let me know, I'll take them off your hands - especially if they're heirloom :)

So, this is what they ended up as.  Next time I will cook the eggs separately and slide them gently over the crisply browned hash browns, then the cheese and other fillings and I prefer the French three fold to the American half fold.  Anyways, it was still a great breakfast, it just wasn't what I had dreamed of. (That's what Paul had meant about reality - enjoying life even though it doesn't live up to my theories).


Unknown said...

What can I say? You're both more terrific than can be imagined. As I noted earlier, after our conversation this morning I made hash browns and eggs too. No oatmeal for me this morning ;)
Lots of love from daddy and me.

Hannah said...

I always wondered what that was called. Ben makes those a lot, but calls it a "quiche" although there is no pie crust. I'll have to tell him it is known as a "frittata." Mm mm ... However, I don't like when he puts tomatoes on it although I LOVE tomatoes!